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    "Tears in the rain"genre: Alternative General
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    Its got some rap and grove, poetry in motion. Dave's bass really stands out. Live recording.

    Story Behind the Song
    Chris got the title from this song from the movie "Blade Runner" There is a part near the end when the android guy is dying, he says "all these things in time will pass away, disolving, like tears in the rain"
    then he dies. (I just happened to turn on the movie at that point, he doesn't admit to this)

    When I'm on the move, all the time just goes so fast, one brief moment blurring into the next…
    I've got to keep moving because the second I stop a flood of thoughts come rushing in that momentum has unlocked…
    Mistakes from the past, those little insecurities, rotten, revolting, like stale immaturity…
    It makes me sad to think they still reside in my head, forcing me to remain awake while I lie in bed…
    My pillow starts to feel like a soft cloud, but the beat in my heart just won't slow down…

    Now I stare up at the stars on my ceiling, want to be sleeping, the Dramamine has got me disbelieving what I'm seeing…
    So many thoughts dancing round in my brain, will I sit this one out or just dance with this crazy dame…
    So hard to relax when there is dust on everything, dust on everything, but I don't let it get to me…
    The black light makes the dust glitter like a thousand tiny eyes with a fire burning through…
    Somewhere amid all the sewer and the glamour, I opened my eyes and that's when I saw you…

    Ain't it a trip how all of the pressure is the only thing that remains…
    All these things in time will pass away, dissolving like tears in the rain…
    Shackled by the chains that hold you down…Shackles and chains all disappear, how you feel at the end of the day is all that's real…
    When you try to change they hold you down…Part of the game is all things change, all of this will be lost in time like tears in the rain…
    Who's calling my name?

    Sometimes I feel invisible, lost, and impotent, unable to affect things happening around me…
    Wanting most to be part of a pure and simple thing, but when the moment arrives anxiety leaves me trembling…
    I don't want to be sad, I'm afraid of feeling differently, It would take a lot to knock loose my identity…
    Still I keep spiraling down this pit of self-abuse, looking for the truth on my quest for reality…
    I have learned that mental wealth can only be found and brought out when the noise in the background finally cuts out…
    They close the door to the cell in your private hell and you are left there, all alone to confront yourself…

    Uh oh, here we go again, I'm playing the negative generator, spoiling all of your fun…
    I hope the future of the world is not a repetition of what has come before now, has everything been done…
    I don't really know how to purge this process churning, melding everything, ending everything…
    Here in the wasteland, I am getting really pissed off. Where's everything that was promised me?

    I sit alone in a parked car watching all the people go by, bathed in the street lights, grinding on their everyday gears…
    For a moment, I'm struck by a terrible feeling when I realize just how easy it is to disappear*

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