Story Behind the Song
These are excerpts recorded live in Satsang with Samarpan. His english is translated into german.
Satsang is just a gathering in Truth. Sat means truth, and a Sanga is a gathering, a get together.
Everywhere in the world, everybody is lying to each other. Politicians are lying to each other and to the people. Business people are lying to each other and the customers. Husbands are lying to their wives, wives are lying to their husbands, and on and on and on.
Jesus said that the devil is the father of lies. What Jesus is talking about is his devil, the devil mind. This is how we keep ourselves confused, how we keep the story going, how we keep this illusion alive. By so many little lies. Most of these lies are not even our lies. You might not even know that they're lies. They're passed on by our parents and their parents passed them on to them.
So Satsang is where we stop this. Satang is where we just tell the Truth about everything. And in the Truth, everything is so simple.