Story Behind the Song
From the tragic events of September 11 2001, Americans responded. Blood was given, supplies and effort were donated, and a new independant record label was formed.UpperCase Productions was created by Pierce/Case as a vehicle for 'GROUND ZERO'. A portion of proceeds to benefit those families most affected by the Twin Towers tragedy. Twin Towers Orphans Fund and Dolphin Therapy Innovations, both 501(c)(3) organizations dedicated to making a difference. Our mission is simple, To bring as much benefit to these families as a small group of Americans can..... and to fund additional projects in the future.
On that day, the day it all came down.
In just one day,
The whole world turned around.
And from that dreadful day,
So precious few were found.
In that desecrated ground,
Or the ruins that surround
Ground Zero, Ground Zero.
We held our breaths and prayed,
Keeping vigil all that day.
You know we couldn't stand to watch it,
Yet we couldn't turn away.
From the horror and the nightmare,
Of what happened there that day.
Of what was happening that day,
Of just what happened there that day at Ground Zero.
At Ground Zero, Ground Zero, Ground Zero.
That day our life was changed,
Forever rearranged.
Now life seems so much stranger than before.
With a clear and present danger at the door.
The doors of hell swung open at Ground Zero.
At Ground Zero, Ground Zero.
Pain and shock and disbelief
Had strangled us for days.
And the only way to get relief
Was to somehow get away. You got to get away,
Far away, far away from Ground Zero.
On that day, the day it all came down.
In just one day,
The whole world turned around
And from that dreadful day,
You know a nations strength was found,
In that forever hallowed ground,
And the ruins that surround.
Ground Zero, Ground Zero.
Now all across our land,
Our tears have made us understand.
That no man is an island;
And we all make up the family of man.
Enough of this insanity,
Come back to our humanity
And rise above Ground Zero,
Rise above Ground Zero if we can
Rise above Ground Zero if we can,if we can.
Rise above Ground Zero if we can
Zero, Zero, Zero.