Story Behind the Song
This is a song I stayed up all night writing, I just got a creative surge or somethin cause by the morning it was done. I was in my flat listening to this Dead Prez instrumental, and that got me going. I went back to my parents house and recorded this in about 4 hours, which includes mixing and mastering the vocals. AKA, hard fucking work.
Now when you see this microphone, it's just a piece of scrap metal-
But that metal can help me not have to live my life as broke-
Write a poem, my mind alone reminds me of a virgin-
Cause not one person has ever got inside my dome-
And I have to live with that, you can never understand me-
If you wanna try and start to, you have to listen hard-
Spittin raps, this and that has me missin class-
Competin in the rap game, when most of it's piss and crap-
Psychologist at heart, profilin my fuckin social life-
I throw a knife and miss and that's where all the shit just starts-
Snowballs out of control, I'm now allowin a toke-
Fuck comparin me to fakes, cause I'm breakin out of the mold-
I'm out on my own, tryin to cope with all this fuckin extra stress-
You'd never guess respect's startin to loose his level head-
Funny how things turn out in the end, wish I could turn back time-
Right back, before I got the sense knocked outta my head-
My luck's up, I even get kicked down by my loved ones-
Hip-Hop gives me the power to clean the blood and get the fuck up-
The golden rule is, whoever has the gold makes the rules-
But I don't have shit, so I persist to break the rules-
Backlash, that's another thing that I don't fuckin need-
My past's crap, it still comes back to me in flashbacks-
I've never had cash, I barely have a home, man-
Washin with a soap that's just as dirty as my own hands-
And my current situation makes me hurt more-
Everythin I've ever got from life, I had to work for-
Not a push-over, you're cold but I'm colder-
I expect enemies whenever I look over my shoulder-
Fuck a happy endin, didn't have a happy start-
But I'm gonna rap from the heart, even if that is my last redemption-
Believe that, everywhere I go I always see traps-
These raps are real raps, so who needs feedback?-
Please man, for once just forget about the beat and track-
And listen to me, you might see how real I really am-
I need to huddle, and find the pieces to complete the puzzle-
And find my peace, because believe me son, I see the trouble-
It's never endin, why can't we just be laid back?-
I need to pay back this debt before it adds to stress and tension-
Blessed with life, but life tests me and I never fight-
Walkin down this long hard road, with no end in sight-
Don't fear nonsense, I'm always gonna keep it real-
So when I've been and done it I can leave here with a clear conciense-
Defiant youth who only wants to be enlightened-
But how can I turn to god, when the bible's been explained with science?-
I spose I missed the train, I need to fuckin lift the pain-
Iscolate myself and let my soul and brain drift away-
Switchin lanes, feel like a mercenary hunted-
What if the light at the end of the tunnel turns out to be nothin?-
My friends get me through it, always lendin their help-
But before you better me, I'll have to better myself-
I've accepted that, it's just another day in the life-
And I'm makin the game pure, but half you rappers ain't playin it right-
I'm straight skatin on thin ice in this life-
I've done some fuckin dodgy shit, but this time I'll think twice-
Stress is gettin to me, but it never wins the battle-
Cause I knock it off my shoulders and focus on things that matter-