Story Behind the Song
Well, DJ Savage and I were hanging out with our good buddy Andrew Nevins and working on "Millspaugh Mombo," a song we made for our friend Aimee on her 19th birthday. Andrew has this thing about brown. Hey, why are you reading this when you could be listening to the song and helping my ranking on Well? GET ON IT!
All by Andrew Nevins, consisting of:
"Pretty Good",
"If someone goes and gets me something to drink, I'll say it.",
"Get me a uhh...",
"I guess that's how it's gonna have to be.",
"Give me a second aight!",
"I gotta do it unexpected aight.",
"I'm not gonna do it while you're sittin here goin...",
"It's like the wood color.",
"Is this good, right here?"