Judgment Day
1. What a shame it would be if on the judgment day
You were preparing to meet the Savior face to face
You step up before the throne thinking all in your soul is well
Only to find out you’ve got a one way ticket to hell
2. You said, “Lord, what did I do? What did I do wrong?
I cast out devils in Your name and many miracles I performed”
But He said, “But when I was hungry and cold My body you didn’t feed
If you did it to the least of My children, you did it to Me”
3. Up to the throne stepped Mr. Liar proud and bold
Ready to tell his story greater than it’s ever been told
But Jesus knows his heart and he hasn’t even said a word
“Keep right on walking, I don’t want to hear it, your lies I’ve already heard”
4. Here comes Mr. Rich Man flashing hundred dollar bills
He lived in a mansion way up on the hill
He thinks this time he’s gonna buy his way in
“Put your money away, it don’t carry no weight, that stuff ain’t no good here”
Depart from me into eternity
Depart from me, I know you not
Into a place prepared for Satan and his imps
Into a place where pain shall never end
You’re trying to say a prayer, but your prayers won’t be heard
It’s too late
It’s too late to pray