Story Behind the Song
This is the first song we ever wrote. After having practiced together and covering a few songs by other bands, we decided to write a song. DJ made up a chord progression and wrote the intro, then we played it, and Josh started by singing a bible verse, and this is what came out. Hope you enjoy it!
Satan You Suck
For God so loved the world
That he gave His only Son
That whoever believes in Him
Shall not perish
Satan you suck!
But have everlasting life,
Because Jesus died for me,
Shed His blood for all of us
You have no power-
Satan you suck!
Satan, you suck, Satan, you suck, you suck
Satan, you suck, Satan, you suck, you suck
It's time for us to stand
It's time for us to fight
Put our strength in Jesus Christ
Victory is ours
Satan you suck!
You can spit in our face
You can kick us to the ground
You can make us bleed
But we won't give up
Satan you suck!