Now, its deader than that shit in the back-
never missi the wack-
plus I aint givin a crap-
to what my vision attracts-
but now im driven to ask-
was it fict or fact?-
cus ever since that...
I'm never givin it back-
its all irrelevant facts-
a sack of elephant crap-
to hell with ure act-
can't even spell what i hack-
now, how the hell'd i get trapped-
gone thru the mill and back-
and theres about a billion cracks-
for what u stole from this cat-
so for real, just relax-
im stearin clear of ure wrath-
Ill appear in the ash-
and get kicked in the face...
create change-
and embrace the hate-
laugh in the face of fate-
Now whatch the plastic break-
what a drastic change from last in place-
and all these classic mistakes-
that remain-
still getin stuck with-
self distructive crutches-
and counter productive dumb shit-
now its come to punches-
and it aint no more fun... shit-
it never comes with instructions-
just some undefined functions-
as we all become one with....
a bunch of assumptions-
cus somethings are trusted
I have often asked myself the reson for the sadness..
if theres any answer maybe love can end the madness...
so first of all...
fuck these nutty broads,
and what somebody said they thought
all thos petty talk..
is drivin this shit,
and, nobodys gettin off
'cept these drama queens,
comma, insecure teens...
wanna deal with extremes...
but never get what i mean..
never seen these dreams..
just me releasin my steam..
still everybody never thinks..
yet forever speaks..
ya, think ure funny , chief...
watch me take this space...
these cats can never relate or rather fathom the geat..
so now i paddle away, keepin my mind ont he day
it aint about u, ure vain...
just keep rewinding the pain..
its all kind of the same...
so far away..
yet it keeps on calling me..
all of me
and all of me...
thats how it aughta be...
untill reality's bent..
now im outta my head..
bloods pourin outa my neck..
and this is how i for get,
holdin my breath...
and count to the end..
where shit gets said for the hell of it.....
so suck these...
and help me pass the time..
when u advance ure lies..
theres a chance it dies...
as i laugh at my..
pathetic, half assed try..
to make some plastic cry...
come on