Story Behind the Song
About TV Evangilists that are here to save the world.
Momma's on the front porch rockin' with the Devils Grin, Daddy's in the bathroom incognito in his gin, Junior's in the backyard readin' girlie magazines, Sister saved her soul in Rev. Bakers limousine, standin' in the spotlight tryin' to hide behind the cross, How can you save anyone when your soul's already lost? Send me diamond ring, expensive things, credit cards or cash, even grandmas' pension plan, is that to much to ask? They say the road to Heaven is paved with soild gold, made his heaven here on earth and it's paid for by the old,Somehow, somewhere he must have got lost, gonna buy his way to Heaven no matter what it costs. CHORUS:Practice what you preach, live by what you teach, An Angel's fallen, the Devil's callin', shallow words will mark your grave, nowhere to run, when all is said is done, who ya gonna blame when St. Peter calss your name? Let it slide for awhile, yeah that's right, but that's over. oh, that's over