Story Behind the Song
This song was written, (almost in it's entirety) on the night Elvis died. I approached many musicians including 2 Elvis imitators but not wanted it as I wasn't a performing musican and they refused to take me seriously. I learned to one-note melodies on the piano and and chord on the guitar and although I still can not play either at performance levels, now, with the help of 30 credit hours of music theory and computer programs for composition, editing and playback, here is my long delayed Tribute to Elvis.
The King Is Gone
By James R. Hoye
(c) 18 Aug 1977
The king, the king is gone, but not his
The king, the king is gone but not his songs.
The man has died, who gave us all those memories.
The man has died.....The memories linger on.
It's been many long years since he passed from life to legend.
But his legacy lives on for all to know.
His memory and his songs will long be with us.
For he's the man who gave us Rock and Roll.
He started it all with a song called "Lawdy Miss Cawdy".
He won the world with a song 'bout "Blue Suede Shoes".
He blended the old time Spirituals with Country;
Spiced them up with a little Rhythm and Blues.
Yes, The king, the king is gone. It's hard to face it
"Cause we still feel him living in his songs.
And, even now, it seems he's so much with us.
It's hard, at times, accepting that he's gone.
In the early years....he left the young girls screaming.
In those early years....he left their daddies cold.
He sang his songs with his soul and with his body.
He sang his songs....They came out Rock and Roll.
He gave us movies filled with joy and laughter,
Light but happy tales that left a smile.
He gave us ballads warm and soft and tender,
That touched our hearts and lingered for a while.
Now, the king, the king is gone....There's no denying,
But his spirit's strong and his presence still stands tall.
Many have traveled onward in his footsteps.
Still he stands as the king of Rock and Roll.
He'll always be the king of Rock and Roll.
Yes, He'll always be the king of Rock and Roll.