Story Behind the Song
A silly little dity, actually, I was bored & my friend wanted me to write a song about his co-worker Billy & how much he sux!!!
This is a story about a boy named Billy, and how bad he sux,
this was recorded by a friend of Randy's,
we'll leave unnamed for now,
now I really don't know Billy,
but I was told that Billy,
boy you really suck!,
Rack'em up Billy,
Get in the truck,
Boy you really suck!,(2x)
Rack'em up Billy,
Get in the truck,
Get away from that duck!,
Rack'em up Billy,
Get in the truck,
You really suck!
Now everybody knows Randy don't suck,
Everbody knows it's Billy that SUX!
MMMMMMM goooood,
Country Fried!
MMMMMMM goooood!