Story Behind the Song
This song came from a poem that my daughter Halla wrote in the 4th grade when she was 10. We worked it up into a song together. I added or rearranged a very few's Halla's image of a July Storm here in Central Oregon - when the storm and its moisture are a welcome relief to the heat.
Storm (c) Halla & Allan Byer 1/1/01
Verse 1 (C/B, G/B) 2
I smell rain, I see lightning
I hear thunder, I feel wind
A song whistles in a storm
(D,C/B,G/B) It feels so good to see the clouds, clouds again
Chorus 1 (Em C) 3
In the wind I hear music
In the thunder I feel drums
In the lightning I see a chorus
(D,C/B,G/B) Let it rain, let it storm
Oh let it storm.
Musical Bridge (D/B C/B G/B) 1 (G/B C/B D/B) 2
Verse 2 (C/B, G/B) 2
You might think that I would panic.
As I watch the storm in silence
But inside my heart beats strong
(D,C/B,G/B) And in the storm I hear, hear a song.
Chorus 2 (Em, C) 3
In the music I hear wind
In the drums I feel thunder
In the chorus I see lightning
(D,C/B,G/B) Let it rain, let it storm
Oh let it storm.
Musical Bridge (D/B C/B G/B) 1 (G/B C/B D/B) 2
Insyrumental Break - thru verse and chorus
repeat verse 1 and chorus
CODA (G/B C/B D/B) 4
There’s a Rainbow after every storm.
There’s a new day dawning. Be Reborn.
Rain, wind, and lighting in a storm.
Rain, wind, and thunder. Be Reborn.