Story Behind the Song
"In the trenches" is an old expression meaning the nitty gritty of your workday - the song asks how you feel about your work, and says that the singer is ready to move on to something more meaningful. Comes from way too many years at a "straight" job while waiting for my art to take off! And we ain't never gonna come back to this, yah mon.
Down in the trenches, come together with me
sitting on the benches, staring down at my feet, yeah
down in the trenches, come together with Jah
sitting onna fences, and Babylon in my heart
and we'll
Never, we'll never, we'll never, we'll never
we'll never, we never come back
ah you know we never, we never, we never, we never, we never, we never come back
Down in the trenches, we got something to prove, eh, workin for the man, now
and mountains to move, yeah
Down in the trenches, we come together with Jah, yeah, if freedom comin soon now, it won't be long till I'm home
and we'll never, we'll never, we'll never, we never, we never come back!