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    ""Looking Up (Three Days in September)""genre: Folk
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    This song was nominated for "SONG OF THE YEAR" by the Washington Area Music Asssociation. I wrote "Looking Up" on September 13, 2001. It is a hopeful reaction to the 9/11 tragedy. It looks at Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of the week of the attack (the day before, of and after the attack.) The song speaks of faith in whatever you find faith in, whatever helps you handle something as senseless as this tragedy; whether it's faith in your God, faith in the decency and beauty of humankind, faith in your country, faith that things will work out in the end, faith that there is a reason for all of this, faith that we can find a way for all of us to get along if we keep searching. This song is available on a two-song CD also featuring the song "CELESTIAL DANCE". (It's a CD, it only looks like a vinyl "45".)ALL PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF THIS CD WILL GO TO THE 9-11 VICTIM'S FUND. To obtain a copy, please send $5.00 plus $1.00 postage and packaging to:Cletus Kennelly 7911 Sleaford Place Bethesda, MD 20814.
    CD: Looking Up/Celestial Dance   Label: Urban Garden Music
    Credits: Cletus Kennelly: Vocals and Guitar; Lori Kelley: Backing vocals

    Story Behind the Song
    I wrote "Looking Up (Three Days in September)" on September 13. Because it was written so soon after the tragedy, it doesn't have a grand perspective that would come with time. It makes no attempt to encapsulate the entire experience of the terrorist attack. There are hundreds of angles from which to approach writing a song about this subject. I wrote from two:

    A. This song looks at Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of the week of the attack (the day before, of, and after the tragedy). More specifically, it's about how those three days felt for me. The weather happened to be spectacular those three days.

    When a plane flies overhead, I often look up and think, "Someone on that plane is really excited about where they're going". I know when I fly I'm usually excited that I will soon be in Phoenix or Chicago to visit friends. For that reason, it always gives me a warm feeling when I see a plane in the sky. So when the streets and the skies were quiet on Tuesday, it was an odd feeling. When I found out that the weapons used in this tragedy were in fact planes, it shook me.

    B. This is also a song about faith. Three years ago when I was going through a particularly difficult time, I passed a church with a sign outside that read, "Sorrow looks back. Worry looks around. Faith looks up." It was exactly what I needed to hear at that particular moment of my life, and I was grateful. It was a life raft. This song uses a form of this phrase. I needed, and still need, to have faith. I'm speaking of faith in whatever you find faith in; whether it's faith in your God, faith in the decency and beauty of humankind, faith in your country, faith that things will work out in the end, faith that there is a reason for all of this, faith that we can find a way for all of us to get along if we keep searching.


    I wake up, look up at the morning
    There's not a cloud in the sky
    Hey, look at this
    I'm feeling bliss on a Monday morn
    I hear the leaves in the trees
    And all of the sounds of the day
    But then they're muted by
    Commuter jet airliner planes

    And they rumble and they roar
    With their cacophony
    They leave a bright white line across the sky
    Still, when they fly
    I can't help looking up

    Tuesday, I look up at the morning
    There's not a plane in the sky
    Hey, look at this
    I think I miss them flying by
    I hear the birds and the words
    And all of the sounds of the day
    But the skies are so very quiet
    And eerily still

    'Cause when they fly
    My mind will drift to all the travelers
    I like to wonder where they're going
    And where they're from
    Now there's an empty sky
    But I can't quit looking up

    Wednesday, I get up in the morning
    There's nothing good on TV
    'Cause every station
    Is playing the same bad movie
    It seems the jets have made a mess of
    Concrete, steel and flesh
    Now we're disjointed
    With fingers pointed
    And beating our chests

    And in my mind
    I stumble blindly in the darkness
    I don't know just what to feel or what to say
    Then I recall I saw a line upon a church sign
    Saying, "It'll be OK
    Sorrow keeps looking down
    Worry looks around
    But faith, faith keeps looking up"

    I can't quit looking up

    (copyright Cletus Kennelly 2001)

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