Story Behind the Song
Very curious is that the lyrics were written in two parts separated by a 15 years time span! Initially, a youngster in his early 20's shows all his desire for freedom from traditional ties to expand his boundaries far out onto the four ends of the world with no commitment to time or relationships. Later, in his mid 30's, he clearly manifests the lack of purpose in such erratic pattern and seeks a direction and a safe port to rest upon.
(Camilo Anauate)
Quando você nasce, assume várias responsas
Com a família, com o trabalho,
Com a escola, com a pátria.
A gente se prende num certo lugar,
E tantos outros a se desviar.
Se eu não tivesse onde ficar,
Se eu não tivesse do que cuidar,
Iria percorrer o mundo e viver como um cigano
Minha casa não tem paredes nem telhado,
Os talheres só são meus na hora da refeição.
Um errante aprendendo eternamente
Como chamar um desconhecido de irmão.
2ª parte (15 anos depois)
O jogo do mar insiste
Procuro um foral a me guiar
Pra aportar, pra atracar
Baixar minhas velas, sair do mar
Um dia quis ser livre
E a volta ao mundo inteiro dar
Vagando sempre sem destino,
Indagações a me inquietar.
Olhares cruzam meu caminho,
E eu não podendo sustentar.
Eu só quero seguir o meu destino
Céu estrelado, reflexos ao luar...
Um rosto puro, um sorriso cristalino
O vento traz minha alma gêmea pra eu amar.
(Camilo A. Anauate)
1st part
When you are born, you take on many responsibilities
With the family, with work
With school, with your country…
We all bind ourselves to a certain place,
And many others divert from us.
If I didn’t have a place to stay,
If I didn’t have things to care of,
I’d traverse the world
And live as a Gypsy.
My home has got no wall nor ceiling,
The tableware is mine only during meals.
A nomadic ever learning
How to call a stranger “brotherâ€.
2nd Part (15 years later)
The tossing of the sea insists,
I search for a beacon of light to guide me.
To harbor my boat, to tie up to dock,
To lower my sails and leave the ocean.
I once longed for freedom and to circle the globe.
Always drifting with no destination,
Inquiries troubling my mind.
Looks and glances crossing my way,
And I am unable to uphold them.
I just want to follow my destiny
Under a starlit sky with moonlight reflexes.
A face of purity and a crystal-clear smile,
Oh wind! Bring my twin soul so I can love!