Imagine a marriage between Stone Temple Pilots and the Beatles. Inspired by the 1927 Fritz Lang movie and dedicated to Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Badfinger, Courtney Love, Sheryl Crow, Material Issue, Del Amitri and any other musician/band who has had issues with the record industry. |
All work no play, you can't have it your way
Once you're in, you know you're in to stay
Never again, see the light of day
Never again, words of your own to say
In the city below, I know who I am
In the city above, they don't give a damn
For myself, I've done all I can
I've worked hard all my life to be a better man
But I swear to God this life is gonna drive me to addiction
We reek of Fritz Lang, science fact not fiction
It's causing friction
You and I go under ground, and bring life to this Metropolis
Up above, where success fits them like a glove
It's money that rules them, not love
Or regard for their fellow man
Push or shove, but never a hand to lend
In the city below, they know who I am
The city above will soon give a damn
These hands built this city, these hands can tear it down again
Have no regard for your holy father
Kneel down and pray to the almighty dollar
Cause that's the price you pay to play when you're living on the edge
Only inches from the ledge
Remember what I said, when you step in
You'll never leave the Metropolis
Dressed in rags from the cradle to the grave
Taxman takes my money, every dollar that I save is another dollar that I gave
I don't want to die a rich man's slave
I'm going down, feels like I'm going down
Nothing to say to make a better day
Knock me down but I'm not down to stay, yeah
Someday soon, see the light of day
Someday soon, words of my own to say
In the city below, I know who I am
In the city above, they will understand
They'll all know what I mean
But for now I'll stay at the machine
I swear to God this life will one day be one of affliction
We reek of Fritz Lang, science fact not fiction
I feel the friction
There's no place for you and I but in the ground
It's the truth I found
You and I have no more souls than the rest of this Metropolis
All the money in the world will never satisfy the greed
All the charity in the land will never satisfy the need
I'll fight the system to the core
To hell with rhyme or reason
I'll stalk the greedy leaders to the door through every season
Poverty is color-blind, transcending the races
I see it everywhere I go, I just look at the faces
Daylight is approaching, it's the hunger that I found
The truth lies within, I don't believe my only place is underground