Story Behind the Song
The 4-track I was working with had a pitch adjust knob. By slowing it down, singing falsetto, and turning it back up to speed, I was able to create a little singing friend. Eventually she was named "Little Wonder." Years later, when I learned some ventriloquism, she became visible as well.
Steve: I want to tell you some things to watch out for.
Little Wonder: Okay.
When you go out some very fine day
Keep your eyes wide open all the way
Cause there are places you shouldn’t walk to
And there are quite a few things you shouldn’t talk to
Little Wonder: What shouldn’t I talk to?
Watch out for Clackerbacks, stay clear of Cootencollarplunks
Don’t mess with Blip-de-blops, don’t go near Kooplecazies
Beware of Klipperclums and Mop-Top-Woofle-a-Schnoozies
But it’s okay to feed and pet the Pompidompoozies
Steve: And you know what else?
Little Wonder: I don’t think so. Tell me.
When you’re outside and you’re all alone
Keep your eyes wide open where your goin’
Cause there are places you shouldn’t walk to
And there are quite a few things you shouldn’t talk to
Little Wonder: I think I know what they are now.
Watch out for Clackerbacks, stay clear of Cootencollarplunks
Don’t mess with Blip-de-blops, don’t go near Kooplecazies
Beware of Klipperclums and Mop-Top-Woofle-a-Schnoozies
But it’s okay to feed and pet the Pompidompoozies
Watch out for Clackerbacks, stay clear of Cootencollarplunks
Don’t mess with Blip-de-blops, don’t go near Kooplecazies
Beware of Klipperclums and Mop-Top-Woofle-a-Schnoozies
But it’s okay to feed and pet the Pompidompoozies
Oh, it’s okay to feed and pet
It’s okay to feed and pet
It’s okay to feed and pet the Pompidompoozies
Steve: Oh, and I forgot to mention the Waffleplops.
Little Wonder: What are they?
Steve: Well, they kinda jump out of the woods and bite a hole in your sneaker.
Little Wonder: No way!
Steve: Yeah, I lost two good pair of sneakers that way.
Little Wonder: I can't believe it.
Steve: Those Waffleplops.
Little Wonder: Uh!
Steve: Pompidoms are okay.
Little Wonder: Yeah.
Steve: Especially the little ones.
Little Wonder: I like Pompidoms.
Steve: Yeah, they're so cute and furry.
Little Wonder: Can I have one?
Steve: Oh, did I ever tell you about the Schnoogle-Boogle-Boms?
Little Wonder: What? Schnooga-wha?
Steve: Schnoogle-Boogle-Boms.
Little Wonder: Schnooga-Schnooga-wha?
Steve: Well, anyway... they're kinda like Artheropoxies, only they've got flat feet instead.
Little Wonder: Oh, I know what you mean now.
Steve: Well, anyway, watch out for those too.
Little Wonder: Okay.
Steve: They're not so nice. Just stay with the Pompidoms; you'll be okay.
Little Wonder: Thank you.
Recorded by Steve and Little Wonder
Copyright 1989 Stephen Mugglin
Permission is given to make not-for-profit copies. (mp3 and lyrics)