Story Behind the Song
There have been a few points in our lives and everyones where you have met someone who just thought they were too good for everything. I guess that makes a person ugly. The song actually came to mind after a bad confrontaion with a girl that was just too much for me to handle.
You thought you were so obvious,
but your just oblivious.
You want all the attention,
but you arnt even worth a mention.
You think that you can keep going on, and, and on.
You cant buy yourself pretty flowers,
Your plastic surgery cant make you look any better,
You cant take the hint, that your ugly
You need to go back home, and look in the mirror
You thought you were so special
but you are very mental
you took me by surprise
when i saw that look in your eyes
i knew you were up to know good
especially since you gre up in the hood
you think that you can keep movein on, and on and on and on.
You treat me as if im some kinda disease
I cant figure that out though when your down on your knees
you knocked me down with a kick to the gut
well youll get yours bitch you dirty little slut
i could get by with out you by my side
cause when im with you i dont feel alive
some kinda disease
down on your knees
baby baby please
your down on your knees
kick to the gut
dirtly little slut
i can get by
im not alive