To the memory of Crockett fill up to the brim!
The hunter, the hero, the bold Yankee yeoman!
Let the flowing oblation be poured forth to him,
Who ne'er turned his back on his friend or his foeman.
And grateful shall be
His fame to the free;
For a bolder or better they never shall see.
Fill! Fill! to the brave who for liberty bled
May his name and his fame to the last---Go ahead!
When the Mexican leaguered thy walls, Alamo!
'Twas Crockett looked down on the war-storm's commotion
And smiled, as by thousands the foe spread below,
And rolled o'er the plain like the waves of the ocean.
The Texans stood there--
Their flag fanned the air.
And their shot bade the foe try what freemen will dare.
What recked they tho' by thousands the prairie o'er spread?
The word of their leader was still- Go ahead!
They came like the sea-cliffs that laugh at the flood
Stood that dread band of heroes the onslaught repelling;
Again! and again! yet undaunted they stood;
While Crockett's deep voice o'er the wild din was swelling.
"Go ahead!" was the cry.
"Let us conquer or die; "
And shame to the wretch, and the dastard who'd fly!"
And still, 'mid the battle-cloud, lurid and red,
Rang the hero's dread cry--Go ahead! Go ahead!
He fought, but no valor that horde could withstand;
He fell- but behold where the wan victor found him!
With a smile on his lips, and his rifle in hand,
He lay with his foemen heaped redly around him;
His heart poured its tide
In the cause of his pride;
A freeman he lived and a freeman he died;
For Liberty struggled, for Liberty bled-
May his name and his fame to the last-- Go ahead!
Then fill up to Crockett- fill up to the brim!
The hunter, the hero, the bold Yankee Yeoman!
Let the flowing oblation be poured forth to him
Who ne'er turned his back on his friend or his foeman!
And grateful shall be
His fame to the free,
For a bolder or better they never shall see.
Fill! Fill! to the brave who for Liberty bled-
May his name and his fame to the last--Go abead!