Way Too Fast
Got style, got grace
Got a smile on your face,
Got the moon in your hair,
Got the sun in your stare
but no way to make it last
when you're moving way too fast.
Got brains, Got flair,
Got to take it somewhere,
Got to move, Got to push,
Got to break through the bush,
but once you get there it's passed
'cause you're moving way too fast.
Take off your tie.
Undo your top button.
Take off your shoes.
Loosen your belt.
Now close your eyes,
take a deep breath
and relax.
Got soul, got love
Got dreams enough.
Got taste, got smell,
Got tales to tell
but too quick it's past
going by way too fast, way too fast
Take off your shirt.
Remove your socks.
Run your fingers through your hair.
Tickle your abdomen.
Now raise your hands high above you
wriggle your fingers
and smile.