Story Behind the Song
This Song lyrics is written by Tanveer .This is is written by Psychomotor before Rance and Lionnel joined the band.
Outta high school, and I fell into drugs
Thrown outta my house, tryin to steal a few bucks
Couldn't get a job, coz I was a lazy bum,
Livin on the money I had stolen from my mum.
Two weeks in jail for Masturbating at the mall
Not my mistake, blame it on alcohol.
Out again, I didn't know where I was heading,
Two weeks again, this time's for speeding
Ch : World Oh World, You turn me to crime
You give me a Gun, when I ask you for a dime
You put me in prison, no reason or rhyme
Nothing done, Say you running outta time
Completely broke, anger drove me mad
That's when I decide to be totally bad.
Days and nights I spent my time on betting,
Two weeks again this time for pick pocketing
Out again I decide to get a life
But I ended up murdering my own wife
Wasn't that bad, just that I got caught
Fourteen years this time,
Blame it on my lot….