"Son of man, can these dry bones live?"
"Oh Lord God, only you know."
"Son of man prophesy over these bones."
"Oh dry bones hear what God says!"
"I will make you to hear gladness and joy, and the bones which were crushed shall now rejoice.
And I will hide my face from all your iniquities.
And I will breathe in you the breath of life and cause you to come out of all your graves.
And I will bring you to dwell in the land of Isreal.
No longer to walk and to cleave unto the dust, for out of the dust I have called you to be as your God."
"Son of man, can these dry bones live?"
"Oh Lord God, only you know."
"Son of man prophesy over these bones."
"Oh dry bones hear what God says!"
"I will put my spirirt in you, and cause you to walk in all my ways.
And I will sprinkle you clean from all of your filthiness.
And I will give you a new heart, and put my desires within you.
And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh.
And I will give you a heart that can reach out and touch, and you will know I'm the Lord, your God , and your Father."
"I am the way, the truth, the resurrection and the life.
And I have come to give you life more abundantly.
If you take heed according to all my words.
I will feed you with the finest bread of my God.
And with honey from the rock I will satisfy thee.
Yes, I will satisfy thee!"