Story Behind the Song
Billy Nugent wrote this song back in 1996 when he dicided there was enough negative bad vibe angry music going on. He got tired of everyone complaining how bad their lives were and wrote a song to help people realize that it could be worse. They should look on the bright side, quit whining, and have some fun.
It was a long, long time ago in a land so far away that I think that I'll never get back there soon. And as a result of too much too drink, i woke up in the bathroom sink, and it felt like my head was on the moon, yeah yeah. But I said...
"Hey! How's everybody doin'? Is everybody havin' a good time? Well if not, then what are you waiting for? OH NO, you're NOT gonna live forever, so leave your troubles behind you, and have some fun, and have some fun, and then have some more!"
One of these days you're gonna look back, and say to yourself, and say to yourself "I shoulda, coulda, wish I woulda done some good along the way with myself. If I only knew back then what I know right now I'd change it all somehow, for the better. I'll start today and say..."
And as a result of too much to smoke, I slowly began to choke, and I could feel the blood trying to fill my eyes. But after all was said and done, I think I was the only one who could honestly say "Well I just had the time of my life! Yeah I just had the time of my life! I just had the time of my..."
I said have some more...
Have some more...
I said have some more...
Is everybody havin' a good time?
Well I'm havin' a good time!
Are you havin' a good time?
Is everybody having a good time?