After all this time
We were just sixteen,
When we went to that first dance,
I still recall the way I felt when you let me hold your hand.
You were shy and sweet,
I didn't want the night to end.
It would only take a little while til we became the best of friends.
Even then, I knew I loved you!
After all this time
It's your touch I desire
It's your kiss that keeps the fire
burning deep inside!
After all this time
when all is said and done
You are still the one
I want by my side
After all this time.
It seems like only yesterday that we were still in school
You took me to the junior prom and I fell in love with you
You led me to the floor, and the band began to play
The way you looked into my eyes took my breath away.
That very day, I knew I loved you!
Repeat chorus
After all this time,
I still need you to love me,
Take my hand and never let me go!
After all this time,
I still want you to hold me,
Take me in your arms and pull me close!
After all this time