Story Behind the Song
You've heard the one about ABC.
You know that Frankie loves Johnny and Jesus loves me.
You heard about the Old Man and where he played knack.
You know what MacDonald had and where he kept the quack.
There's the one about the cockroach, the cheese in the dell,
Valderi, funicula, and Gloria in Excel...
Well, this one covers just about everything el... se.
Now in the beginning was impenetrable night
'till somebody stopped and asked God for a light
and he created... the universe, ... and so on.
Then he filled the globe with flora and fauna
Probably took out the garbage, watered the lawn,
and on the seventh day: TV, beer, and so on.
Now we're not too sure, cause the record's in Greek,
just what God did in the second week,
But eventually His work was done,
He waited a while and sent His son
(yeah, even though He never did marry the wife)
just to give us a crack at... eternal life, and so on
so on and so on and so on.
Yeah, and so on... and so forth.
Well you either buy that or the astronomy boys
Who say that there once was a sizeable noise
that resulted in planets, stars, galaxies, and so on.
Then it was Eocene, Neocene, Pleistocene, Now.
Some species evolved and figured out how
to walk upright, oppose their thumbs, and so on.
Then some of them took the fortunate chance of begetting your great-great-etcetera-ancestors
Finally the line comes down to you,
Get born, grow up, a diploma or two,
And then if you're a guy you find you a spouse,
She slowly unbuttons her diaphanous blouse, and so on
so on and so on and so on.
Yeah, and so on... et-cetera.
Coffee, meat, alcohol, pineapple juice
You work, earn, play, spend, reproduce
and pay the phone bill, and so on.
And that's pretty much it, but for the occasional flu,
you go through life or it goes through you
till it rattles your rib cage...
Then after that, we really don't know,
Some say we stick around here or go
to some other place where the weather's consistently
cool or hot, while others insist that we get
sent right back to the maternity ward
and start over again throughout eternity, Lord! and so on,
so on and so on and so on.
Yeah, and so on, ... undsoweiter !