Love is the Only Rule
by Michaele de Cygne
Copyright by de Cygne(tm)
Come novice,
heart's the key unlock the Door.
Use the Powers.
Come, as others come before;
Love is now the One and only Rule.
Rise master,
wise of Woman, once a fool.
Holy water, son/daughter of the Truth,
Love is now the One and only Rule.
In the Dark of the Womb,
Light is the seed,
Love is the only Rule.
Sail in the revelation of Her magic tide in you.
In the Dark of the Womb, Heart is the key,
Love is the only Rule
and you are the celebration of the Wisdom of the Truth.
Rock of Eden,
once again be fertile plain;
the Wisdom of your history is plain.
In the Dark of the Womb,
Light is the seed,
Love is the only Rule.
Sail in the revelation of Her magic tide in you.
In the Dark of the Womb, Heart is the key,
Love is the only Rule
and you are the celebration of the Wisdom of the Truth.
Oh, traveler, wherever you wander,
Light becomes Life through Love
in the Heart of the Womb.
Come traveler,
silently call
in the Name of Her Soul touching you,
Mind teaching you all that is
from before everything that ever shall be.
In the Dark of the Womb,
Light is the seed,
Love is the only Rule.
Sail in the revelation of Her magic tide in you.
In the Dark of the Womb, Heart is the key,
Love is the only Rule
and you are the celebration of the Wisdom of the Truth.