Story Behind the Song
The traditional preachers are not relating to the streets. They don't talk the language of the sinners. Maybe this will get through to one. Maybe people will realize the common sense of the Word of God without all the church jargon and cliche' slang.
Hi, I'm the Street Preacher. I'm glad you can listen to me. Maybe you already know as much or more than me about what I wanna talk about. Maybe not. Maybe you're one of those who are pissed off at God because something didn't go your way in life. Lost a girlfriend or a boyfriend? Lost a family member or a friend to death? Took a wrong turn in life? You're not alone. Some people say, "That's God's will!" But you know what? It aint God's will that you should be miserable. God wants us all to live life to the fullest. I know some drug addicts that thought they were livin' it up. They partied constantly. Pot, booze, coke, acid, speed, painkillers, valium, you name it, they had it. I was there too, smoking the dope along with them. One of them had everything materially that he could want. He landed jobs in the music industry. Dream jobs, in my opinion. But he was bitter. His marriage went sour (due to drugs and booze), he lost interest in work (due to drugs and booze), and he was angry at the world. He was also pissed at God. Yeah, he was livin' it up, allright. One day he didn't go to work. He did a shitload of coke, and then he blew his brains out with a gun. He left a young daughter. In his suicide note, he asked that there not be a minister at his funeral because he hated God. He let anger and self-pity eat him up. If he was alive right now I wish I could tell him to get over it. To not be a loser. To not be a whiney ass. To seek God's will rather than his own. Nobody's perfect. I'm no better than the junkie or prostitute in God's eyes. He wants us all to follow Him out of the shit in our lives. He wants us to seek His will, not ours. John 10:10 says "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Jesus gave His life so we can really live it up. Why don't we all seek Him? There are so many references in the Bible that tell us that the only way for us to get to God is through Jesus. Alot of us would rather read a dictionary than crack open a Bible. Alot of folks say, "The Bible is just symbolic." those folks say that living as a good person is all you have to do. I say that's bullshit. That's like saying, "As long as I keep my yard fenced in, my babies can be left outside unattended." Or "as long as I have good intentions, I can go out and do whatever i want to do." So what do you need to do? Find Jesus. Pray to Him. Say, "Lord, I haven't been true to you or myself. I've been angry and lost. Come into my heart and help me have life to the fullest. Let me know things far greater than these earthly things I've been concerned with. I believe that you died for my sins and i want your love and forgiveness." You tell Jesus that you're one of the many who are on our way to seeking His will. Matthew 6:33, 34 says, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Listen to my other MP3 files I've put out. Thank God for Morpheus,, Grokster, Napster, and whatever else. I'll tell you more if you wanna hear it. God bless you.