Story Behind the Song
Every saga needs a first chapter.. right?b
•Chapter I ( The Woods)•
So once upon a time in, a pitch black evil forest, lived these wicked dwarfs
They, mined their earth for gold
They kept all people out so, noone would know their secret.
But of course then one day, a maiden lost her ways...
"Going to grandma"
I'm on my way to grandma
I'm gonna give her flowers
And I know she'll like them
I've made some cookies too
But now I'm getting anxious
I don't know which way to take
I think I'll try the left one
I think mom told me so
"The beginning"
And so it happened that a maiden got lost from her path through the woods and found the since long by the Gods cursed residence.
The choice should had been to go away, but no, she decided to enter (she made a mistake, she made a mistake...)
"Alone i evil dwarfresidence"
She stepped inside and looked around, a filthy place was what she found
No windows to let light inside, and so she heard something outside.
I wonder who it can be that lives in such a place like this?
Who can afford all gold and gems I did not know that there is?
All filth and dust and dirt does really scare the wit out of me
I think I heard something, please don't let them find me
The sound of seven wicked dwarfs way home, she hid and prayed she'd be left alone
"The dwarfdance"
Gold, dig gold, hey, ho
Please, please don't come in here, I am to young to die, oohh
Please, I feel so much fear, oohh, I can not take no more
(A brightening)
But as daddy Dwarf stepped in the cabin and smelled that something was'nt right,
she saw a second door at the other end of the room and rushed towards it and came out
in the woods again
•Chapter II (Token)•