Story Behind the Song
When my daughter was little, and had just lost, perhaps, her first tooth, we were awakened by her crying that the Tooth Fairy hadn't come. But, she just didn't search enough, and dad (me), helped locate the cash under the pillow. ( A MYSTERY TO THIS DAY!)
But, what if? What if the Tooth Fairy actually forgot to come? What then? Better remind the Tooth Fairy, huh?
Don't forget Tooth Fairy my tooth just fell out
If there's money under my pillow, tomorrow I'll jump and shout
I know you must be busy, and Dad says money's tight
Oh! please, please Tooth Fairy, don't forget me tonight.
Is it Mister, or is it Misses, I'm really not quite sure?
And were you around way back when, my Daddy was still small
Sometimes I don't quite understand how things like this can be
Oh, please, please Tooth Fairy, don't forget about me
Oh! please, please Tooth Fairy don't forget about me.