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    "Darth Vader Falls in Love"genre: Poetry
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    A Love Poem written in the voice of everyone's favorite Sith Lord.
    CD: O Coppo My Coppo   Label: Pellinore Gentledragon Productions
    Credits: Poem by Paul Coppolelli. "The Imperial March" by John Williams

    Story Behind the Song
    So I competed in this Poetry Slam one night, and I lost horrifically. Talking to Dave Blank afterwards, he pointed out that my hat was casting a shadow over my face so that "it was like watching Darth Vader read a Love Poem." Now, any normal person would have taken this observation and said "OK, no hat when I slam." I have been accused og being many things, but normal is not one of them. I wrote this as a result.

    If you only knew the power
    of my love for you.
    My cardiostimulator skips a beat
    whenever you draw near
    when I see your face
    my respirator forgets to breathe for me...
    If you only knew the power
    I could wield for you
    the power we could wield together
    join me
    and we will destroy the Emperor
    rule the Galaxy as cyborg and wife
    join me
    and I shall place the Universe
    at your feet,
    all the suns and moons you could desire
    shall be yours;
    you shall have legions of stormtroopers
    to clip your nails
    and Jedi masters
    to primp your hair.
    Join me!
    It is your density
    I mean,
    your destiny...
    If you only knew the power
    you have over me:
    there is nothing I would not do for you.
    For you,
    I would crush a hundred insignificant rebellions
    Disintigrate a thousand inhabited worlds
    obliterate a million incompetent underlings
    lay waste to entire sectors...
    For you,
    I would refuse to use the Jedi Seduction Trick
    trade in my Death Star for a minivan
    and white picket fence in the suburbs
    spurn the power of my position
    and take a job with the phone company...
    (welcome to Verizon...)
    For you
    I would give in to the power
    of the Light Side,
    lay aside my armour,
    open up what remains of my heart
    to kindness and compassion
    try to remember what it is
    to be human.
    If you only knew the power
    of my love for you

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