Story Behind the Song
This song was enspired by both the story of Christ's life, and by the birth of my first son, Elijah Rain Barrie - 03/05/01.
We watch the Son rise!
And then there were two – sides to every story. Within his glory lies a love of which we know not. The passion bleeds into their eyes, for fate is in disguise.
The second begins..
Somewhere between a dandelion and a sunflower, Jesus appears. Dark and damp and full of fear. They followed the star, defining who they are..? His eyes make you feel like the first time.
Growing up with this idea.. Thoughts turning like a hurricane. Even the holy men - amazed by his reflection. This is who I am! I am that I am! The desert is a blazing bliss where serpents heed the kiss.
Temptation feeds the starving hand.
I will return again..
Thy brother is immortality.. This is my reality.. The water has cleansed our souls.
Who will stay with me until the end of the fight? And through the night, we told of our fears. This bread and wine will hold your tears. The water runs steady, through the valley of fire.
Carrying the weight now, not far to go.
The pain is nothing, compared to what I know.
My father was wrong, but now he is right.
Don’t cry mother, as I leave you tonight.
I will always be with you..
Three days was the mourning… we have all created. A powerful wind from the North, looking into his eyes. The light is almost here, as we watch The Son rise..