Story Behind the Song
This song was inspired out of my many bunny trails from the 'straight and narrow.' I really could have written a book on the art of 'going astray.'
I've been that lost sheep, out of the ninety nine the one, that sent the Lord's feet, a searching one by one, in being that lost sheep, it kind of comes easy to say... it's only by His grace that I can kneel and pray.
I've been that prodigal child, that fell for it hook and line, I've been that lost coin, the woman looked hard to find, in being all of these things, it kind of comes easy to say, it's only by His grace that I can kneel and pray...
There's more joy, over the one from the ninety nine, there's more joy, in heaven every time hey!
It doesn't matter child, how far that you have roamed, it doesn't matter son, why you ran away from home, what matters most of all, I say what matters most of all, what matters most of all is the Father calling you home.