Story Behind the Song
One of the first tunes we learned combined with a favorite jig of Naoyukis. There’s a lesson here somewhere, were sure of it.
Ill tell you a story that happened to me
One day as I went down to Yawl be the sea
The day it was bright and the sun it was warm
Says I, a quiet pint wouldnt do me no harm
I went up to the barman and said give me a stout
Says the barman, Im sorry. All the beer is sold out
Try whisky or vodka, ten years in the wood
Says I, Ill try cider Ive heard that its good
Oh never, oh never, oh never again
If I live a hundred or a hundred and ten
I fell to the ground and I couldnt get up
After drinking a pint of that Johnny Jump Up
After lowering the third I headed straight for the yard
Where I ran into Brophy, the big civic guard
Come here to me boy, dont you know Im the law?
Well I up with my fist and I shattered his jaw
He fell to the ground with his knees crumpled up
Wishd it wasnt Id hit him, for the Johnny Jump Up
And the next thing I saw down in Yawl by the sea
Was a cripple on crutches and says he to me
Im afraid for me life Ill be hit by a car
Wont you help me across to the Railwaymans Bar?
And after three pints of that cider so sweet
He threw down his crutches and he danced on his feet
Well I went up the Lee Road, a friend for to see
They call it the madhouse, in Cork by the Lee
And when I got up there, the truth I do tell,
They had the poor bugger locked up in his cell
Says the guard, testing him, say these words if you can:
Tell them Im not crazy, tell them Im not mad
It was only six pints of that cider I had
A man died in the Union, by the name of McNabb
They washed him and placed him outside on a slab
And after the coroner, his measurements did take
His wife took him home to a bloody fine wake
It was about twelve o’clock and the beer it was high
And the corpse, he sat up, and he says with a sigh
I cant get to heaven, they wont let me up
Until I bring them a pint of that Johnny Jump Up