Story Behind the Song
Paul says that which I want to do I don't do. We know what is right, but often we fail to do it.
What I want to Do
What I want to do I don’t do
And what I don’t want to do I end up going through
O wicked man that I am, My life be a shame
If it weren’t for the blood of the sacrificial lamb (repeat)
I’ve got a struggle in my life that’s so hard to win
I try to overcome, but keep getting overcome by sin
And this situation I got to admit is leaving me perplexed
I know what I want to do, but what I’m gonna do is anybody’s guess
I know that I would be lost, forsaken, turned over, condemned
I’d be all that and more if Jesus hadn’t take me in
into his arms and take me into his Balm
into his peace, and take me into his calm
I try to deal with my own sin, but “I’m not strong enough to carry it
But the Lord took my cross, because he’s able to bear it.
His mercy his grace, and his love is sufficient
His blood is the only thing that can cleanse my sins “isn’t it”
What I want to do I don’t do
And what I don’t want to do I end up going through
O wicked man that I am, My life be a shame
If it weren’t for the blood of the sacrificial lamb (repeat)
I’m just like Paul the apostle
In that the sins that I’ve committed are huge and colossal
I’ve lied, and stole, and done things I don’t want to admit
But even if I don’t say it out loud, the Lord already knows about it.
Like when I use to act hard, as if I was gonna box with God
But I finally recognized that my arms are to small
And me trying to hide it and deny it just aint getting it done
I need to confess it, not repress it, and repent and move on
We all struggle with sin in one way or another
Aint no use to be hypocrite preaching like I’m a superior brother
Cuz me trying to take care of sin on my own is a just a waste
Cuz I’m still just a sinner saved by God’s grace
What I want to do- I don’t do
And what I don’t want to do- I end up going through
O wicked man that I am, My life be a shame
If it weren’t for the blood of the sacrificial lamb (repeat)
I died and was buried with Christ when I was baptized
I was raised a new man, but the old me tries to materialize
And fall to the temptations of my generations
I deal with my frustration with much lamentations
Lord wont you take this thorn from my flesh
And I hear the Lord say I want you to trust in my grace and nothing else
Not your righteousness, not your works, or your good deeds
Instead trust in my grace and fall on your knees
I’m not trying to making excuses for missing the mark
What I am is thankful that God gives me a new start
I’m still struggling with my sin I have to admit
But don’t give up on me, God aint through with me yet.
What I want to do - I don’t do
And what I don’t want to do - I end up going through
O wicked man that I am, My life be a shame
If it weren’t for the blood of the sacrificial lamb (repeat)
Joseph Johnson 2-22-02