Story Behind the Song
First real song I wrote for the band, written back in our developing days
when we ( I )decided that we didn't want to be a another cover band.
Wrote it actually pretty quick while viewing and listening to a rehearsal /
jam session we had videotaped earlier that same night. I was thinking
about some kind of archeological exploration deep in a forest; had this
idea of a curse being discovered on the inner walls inside a secret-sealed
tomb; a curse of a giant wrath-giving dragonfly.
While developing this song in the rehearsal studio, and trying to figure out
a "serious" beginning, there was a musical-theory battle going on between
the guitarists and the bass player, who thought that the acoustic opening /
beginning I'ld (John) written, wouldn't or didn't theorectically / musically fit and,
since he was musically trained and educated, I couldn't be right ... well, as
you can hear, I won, and it did fit....I guess my, back then, 15+years of being
self-taught and writing and playing by ear isn't wasn't such a loss after all
(acoustic guitars during opening: John and Robert Martini)
In the middle of the forest in the, dead of night
Better beware 'cause you, you just can't hide
No where to run to, no place to go
Why did you come back, came, back for more
You know, you can't hide
Listen, don't you hear
Dragonfly, whoa-o-o
On the walls of the ruins the, Ancient's left
Warnings -written -in -stone -the, inscriptions read
He who enters shall, never leave
You were warned you, but you, didn't believe
You know, you can't hide, listen
Don't you fear
Dragonfly (solo: Robert Martini) whoa-o-o-o
You know, you can't hide, listen
Don't you fear
Dragonfly, whoa-o-o
In the middle of the forest in the, dead of night
Better beware 'cause you, you just can't hide
Nowhere to run to no, place to go
Why did you come back, came, back for more
You know, you can't hide, listen
Don't you fear
Dragonfly, whoa-o-o
Dragonfly, who-o-o
Dra -gon -fly