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The Andie Rikter

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    "Abercrombie Zombie"genre: Pop Vocals
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    Label: Michropheliac Records

    Story Behind the Song
    If any of those teenyboppers or boy boppers actually saw what Mr. Abercrombie looked like then they wouldn't trust his sense in style. He is a crotchety old man and doesn't know jack about what is cool. Everyone just spends all their money on his overpriced clothes. They aren't even cool looking. Seriously folks, who has ever heard of Varsity Abercrombie La-Crosse or J.V. Abercrombie Ping Pong master allstar. Everybody looks the same as everyone else and I'm getting sick of it. If you wanna spend that much money just get a tailor or hire a clone to go out and look preppy for you. Everyone looks and acts the same, and if we keep this up we are going to loose all sense of creativity and originality. Dress however you think is cool or funny not what Mr. Abercrombie or GAP tells you is cool. What makes them know what you wanna wear better than you know yourself. If you wanna wear a pirates eyepatch or a spandex leotard to school then do it, who cares what other people think of it. Maybe they'll catch on and realize they don't have to waste all of their time and energy to fit the mold of society. There are so much cooler things to spend your money on than preppy clothes, tans, haircuts and the likes. So this is a song for all those brainless ZOMBIES walking around who can't think for themselves. Cre-te-tah-wah-seah READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We gotta go to the mall we're already late
    Opened five minutes ago, man we can't wait
    We gotta go get ourselves all prepped out
    We're gunna spend our parents money without a doubt

    My clothes are out of style I bought um last week
    If I don't go now I might turn into a geek
    I can't believe this shirt was only 80 bucks
    It's like sooooooooooooo, totally deluxe

    We gotta go to the mall we're already late
    Opened five minutes ago, man we can't wait
    We gotta go get ourselves all prepped out
    We're gunna spend our parents money without a doubt

    I need another tan I wouldn't wanna turn white
    Give me some more ultraviolet light
    I've already had skin cancer twice
    But to be this cool I guess there's a price

    We gotta go to the mall we're already late
    Opened five minutes ago, man we can't wait
    We gotta go get ourselves all prepped out
    We're gunna spend our parents money without a doubt

    I haven't had a haircut in at least 10 days
    My hairstylist will kill me for such a delay
    I can't let anyone see my hair this long
    With spiked bleached tips, I can't go wrong

    You're an Abercrombie Zombie
    You're an Abercrombie Zombie
    You're an Abercrombie Zombie
    You're an Abercrombie Zombie

    You spend all your money on their crap
    How'd you fall into their brainless trap
    Go home and cry to mommy you little sap
    If I were you I'd get a spinal tap

    You're an Abercrombie Zombie
    You're an Abercrombie Zombie
    You're an Abercrombie Zombie
    You're an Abercrombie Zombie

    You're trying to fit in way too hard
    Throw away you're GAP membership card
    You should try and wear a spandex leotard
    Dress yourself you preppy DIE-HARD

    You're an Abercrombie Zombie
    You're an Abercrombie Zombie
    You're an Abercrombie Zombie
    You're an Abercrombie Zombie

    You're like a trained monkey in the zoo
    They control your mind and you have no clue
    You do whatever they tell you to do
    If they said it was cool you'd even eat dog poo


    You're an Abercrombie Zombie
    You're an Abercrombie Zombie
    You're an Abercrombie Zombie
    You're an Abercrombie Zombie

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