Story Behind the Song
I'm not really sure how it came about me and D.j. Marc were sitting around one night playing Dargon Power for the Nintendo when like out of the blue it hits just damn this would make a funny song.
so we play around with some different things small teeth, people who have thoes bug eyes, and then it hit us agian alien heads people with big old alien heads and how they are jerks cuase there so piss off at the world cuase of there big old head.
i'm gonna go ahead and, uh, sing to you about a song about my giant head which messes eh.. messes things up. it gets in the way. i'm a jerk because of this head of mine. i can't go to the movies. i can't even see my own hair. anyway, i'm going to sing a song to you about this so i, uh, hope you enjoy it. it's a good song.
i walk down the street with this big old alien head
people they point and laugh at my giant alien head
some people say that i'm a jerk because i have an alien head
i'm not really a jerk, yeah i am with this giant alien head
look at me
i'm a jerk
can't you see
that i'm a jerk?
look at my, look at my, look at my alien head.
"look at me. i have a big head. my head is huge! what do you think zorak?"
"big head, big head. big fat head."
"i have a big head. i'm having a big head day. how's your big head day kids?
"big, fat head day!"
i can't even take a wizz with this giant alien head
i'd fall over in the toilet and then i'd be wet, oh man.
when i'm walking down the street, people yell at me
hey you jerk with the alien head! get over here, please!?
it's so big
it's so sad
it's so mad
it's so sad
this is the story of my jerk alien head.