Story Behind the Song
A quick taping of an argument out in the parking lot, revealing all the feelings that lie repressed below the surface of everyone's seething frustration...
Paleontologists are converging upon the sign, We clasp our hands and bow to the sun, the blasting zone has been sanctified, All experiences are to report to the hangar, When empti8ness is exacerbated by moments, two shapes will whither into angels, Eyes pecked out by shards of flourescent glass, Trilobites regurgitate small bits of protozoa, encrusted dust specks perhaps couging, In 800 million years since it all happened, Life still merely consumes and defecates, the Triassic period was the last happy age, Life was in balance flowers spawned, then the lizard became a race of Gods, and rats conspired to overthrow them, and conquer the world, our planet trembles on with a hollow pulse, catatonic now from pollution sickness, senile and dreaming of tearing off the skin, she drifts on through the vacuum almost nonexistent...