Story Behind the Song
"Beautiful Life" started out as a simple light hearted song, but as I wrote it, the lyrics unintentionally became more serious. It's about conversations between 2 people held several weeks/months apart. Although the situation facing the people has not changed in that time, the personas' outlooks on life have
There's a man on the street
Looks like someone I know
His suit is so neat,
His face resolute
His old boss died recently
The position is empty
Time to move on up,
After all these years
But someone up there don't think so
So here he is again
Back at the bottom,
Of a long ladder
But aren't you happy to be living
This beautiful life?
Aren't you happy to be standing
Under Cerulean skies?
Be her lover, be her husband
She's your lovely wife
We all are surprised when we
Open our eyes
You can't have what matters
Till you know that it matters
So aren't you happy to be living
This beautiful life?
Aren't you happy to be standing
Under Cerulean skies?
Be his father, she's your daughter
Be a new man tonight
There's that man on the street
He's the same one I know
His brow is all creased,
Like three rainy days
I say, hello my old friend
It's good to see you again
You take care of yourself now,
These are hard times ahead
He says, don't worry I'll be ready
I've been through this before
So you take it easy,
And remember your own advice
[repeat chorus]