Crept in so smoothly, softly and deft.
Innocence thwarted, reality's swift.
What the hell happened?
I have come undone.
Child is fleeing, this chapter's done.
Bought back my youth, sold it so cheap.
Now a believer, time for a leap.
"I'm made of clay,
molded by the will."
I won't go smoothly, softly or deft.
Come back to terms with a fire within
Stop drop and roll before it gets
you in
Then come to terms with the truth
that you can't fit in
Why, inner child, do you cry out?
Maybe it's time for you to come out.
Merry go hide, seek a roundabout.
Time to go back, back to go pout.
Enough of the bitching, pissing and moan.
I've had my fill, leave it alone.
Pay me no mind. Penny in hand.
Dime for a dozen, quite the demand.