Hatred, Rising quick inside my soul. Waiting, For a consequence. Painless, Numb to all of their words. Youthful, A naive innocence. Useless minds can plot destruction, our intention is unknown. You will learn to pleasure in the vacant times you chose. A foundation that crumbles at the slightest change in weight. Consuming your body we will ravage with plague.
We are innocent because we don't know what we do. Ignorance protects, the motives that drive you.
The shell of the body is the only remains. A hallow husk of beauty that fades as it decays. The wish to fill the emptiness is eating at you. By the pain of the unknowing you are completely consumed. Destruction by the virtue of this retribution, severing and slicing through the mind's pollution. The coming of the end begins to excite you, by the pain of the unknowing you are completely consumed.
How can I, continue to feel this? A crime of thought, how can you bear witness? Thievery of life, stolen before me, I watch it fade, amongst your treachery.
The disease injected, you begin to change. Altering the mind, you're becoming deranged.
Your sickened form rotting, as you proceed with life, your skin and flesh begin to reek and no one wonders why. Beauty turns repugnant, the healthy become ill. Evasive and elusive, my intent is now revealed.
Truthful, no more of this deception. Anguish, a small price to pay. Onslaught, takes its toll on you. Beauty, a weapon you can't use.
Useless minds can plot destruction, our intention is unknown. You will learn to pleasure in the vacant times you chose. A foundation that crumbles at the slightest change in weight, consuming your body we will ravaged with plague.