Story Behind the Song
We all have something that we are passionate about, be it girls,cars,work,or whatever. Sometimes we lose sight of that passion. This song is about putting all of your passion into a certain person, and then the passion being lost somewhere during the relationship. Finding that passion again is the key.
(This song is strictly fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is entirely coincindental.)
Can you help me find my passion
I left it in your keeping
I put it in your confidence
Everything that I am or hope to be I put in you
I gave it all, my everything, sacrificed not knowing if
The words I said, the things I did, could be enough, a proof of life
Sustaining hope, it's time to stop, I need to find my passion
You took my heart, replaced my soul, and left a void no one could fill
But I insist that I exist and I am real please let me heal
I've had enough, it's time to stop
I need to find my passion
I am standing, broken, silent
Passionate failing
Trusting no one
Passion failed me, beauty deceiving
Stolen promises
Stumbled, fallen