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Johnny (No.Land)

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    "Give Up"genre: Rockabilly
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    This is a funny song with a strong message about how when you come to the end of your rope, the resolve the world sometimes gives you is to just use that rope and "hang yourself," but there is an answer even when it might feel like suicide is the only way out. Check this great song out!
    CD: Gospel Graffiti   Label: Marble Records; Copyright 1992
    Credits: Johnny Johnson - Vocals, Guitar; Jessica Murphy - Vocal solo, The Quartet; Eric Snyder - Lead & Rhythm Guitar; Ross Stremcha - Drums; Jim Murphy - Bass Guitar, Preacher

    Chorus 1:
    Suicide they told me, suicide they told me
    Suicide they told me, suicide they told me
    Give up, give up, hang yourself.

    I went to see my doctor and he said
    "If I had your problems I would just stay in bed"
    With these wisdom words all my hopes fled
    "My advice to you is you're better off dead"
    Give up, give up, hang yourself.

    I went to see my girlfriend, she just shrugged
    Started philosophying on her zebra rug, said
    "You don't need kissin', you don't need no hug
    If I were you I'd just O.D. on some designer drug!"
    Give up, give up, hang yourself.

    Chorus 1

    I went to see the preacher and he told me
    "You need the Lord Jesus to set you free
    Come on get down on your bended knee
    Come on along and say the sinner's prayer with me!"
    Give up, give up, to the Lord... he said,

    Chorus 2:
    Give your life to Jesus, give your life to Jesus
    Give your life to Jesus, give your life to Jesus
    Give up, give up, to the Lord

    So I went to see this Jesus and He told me
    "Only I can set you free"
    Woe, here's my heart, come on in
    He gave to me new life and I was born again
    I gave up, I gave up, to the Lord.

    Chorus 3:
    I gave my life to Jesus, I gave my life to Jesus
    I gave my life to Jesus, I gave my life to Jesus
    I gave up, I gave up, to the Lord.

    Guitar solo (by Eric Snyder)

    So give your life to Jesus, Give your life to Jesus
    Give your life to Jesus, Give your life to Jesus
    Give up, give up, give up, give up
    Give up, give up, to the Lord.

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