Story Behind the Song
I had two goals for this CD – firstly to write soothing, uplifting songs to help people relax, and secondly to find as wide a variety of folk songs or lullabies from around the world as I could.
In my research to find lullaby texts from around the world, I was delighted to find this sweet Polish lullaby on a folk song lyric website, complete with English translation and phonetic pronunciation. It is in fact a Polish Christmas Carol, and it already has its own tune. However, its original tune is so simplistic, it has not much more appeal than “Mary Had a Little Lamb”! So, I decided to write my own melody, and turn it into a choral piece for 8 parts to be sung (unaccompanied) by a chamber choir.
To be true to Polish music, I first of all researched into Polish folk songs, but found the pervasive “Polka / March” style to be unsuitable for a lullaby. So, looking elsewhere, I listened to the music of Henryk Gorecki, a contemporary Polish composer. His choral works are familiar to me in my world of conducting and performing with choirs, and his style is incredibly inspiring. He mainly writes sacred music, but his melody lines and harmonies stay deliberately true to traditional Polish folk song and Polish liturgical chant.
So, in writing this piece, I emulated some of the characteristics of his music, such as haunting melodies, minor keys, the use of “crunching” harmonies filled with tension and emotion, and the use of sudden sweet major chords creating moments of purity and bliss.
This piece was premiered by the Chicago Chamber Choir on December Dec 16, 2001. On this CD, however, the “choir” that sings this piece is made up of just two voices – mine and my friend, Scott Townsend’s. Thanks to multiple layering in the studio, we have created a 16 voice choir. Having just 2 voices to work with provides the unique opportunity of creating the perfect blend, something much more difficult with a live, 30-voice choir!
Of all the words in this poem, the main phrase that struck me when writing the piece, was “Moja Perełko”, (My little Pearl), referring to the baby Jesus. This is such a sweet, tender phrase sung lovingly to a baby, revealing the reverence and awe of a mother’s love for her precious child. So that is why I decided to repeat this phrase many times throughout the piece, and ultimately to name the song “My Little Pearl”. The Polish words, “Moja Perełko”, sound much more appealing than the English translation! They lend a sensuousness and sweetness to the music. When performing the song, I focused on this phrase to bring out the passion in the words. This is not a lullaby to put you to sleep, but rather to stir the emotions and uplift the spirit.
Lulajże Jezuniu, moja Perełko
Lulaj ulubione me pieścidełko
Lulajże Jezuniu, lulajże, lulaj
A Ty Go, Matulu w płaczu utulaj.
Zamknijże znużone płaczem powieczki,
Utulże zemdlone łkaniem usteczki.
Lulajże Jezuniu, lulajże, lulaj
A Ty Go, Matulu w płaczu utulaj.
Lulajże piękniuchny nasz Aniołeczku,
Lulajże wdzięczniuchny świata Kwiateczku.
Lulajże Jezniu, lulajże, lulaj.
A Ty Go, Matulu w płaczu utulaj.
English Translation:
Lullaby, little pearl, dear baby Jesu,
Lullaby, little pearl, dear baby sleeping;
Lullaby, little one, dear baby Jesu,
Mary is holding you, guarding and keeping.
Close your eyes, little one, your tears to cover;
Close your eyes, little one, heavy with crying;
Calm your lips, little one, where joy should hover;
Resting in Mary's arms, hush all your sighing.
Lullaby, lovely flower, beautiful angel;
Lullaby, lovely flower, lily, the fairest!
Lullaby, little one, beautiful angel,
Mary is holding you, rosebud, the rarest!