Story Behind the Song
I wanted to tell the world that happiness does not have any connection with how well you do in life, it is your own love of life that spawns happiness.
The lyrics were written minutes before I had to sing in front of a group of foreign students at the university
Shining Sun
Happy Happy, Shining Sun
Children Play,
Happy Happy, Children Play
Merry Clowns,
Merry Clowns That Jump Around
Cheerful Deer,
They have no fear, those cheerful deer.
Happy make me, All those Things
And they fill my heart with Joy
Listen to it, how it sings
My heart is filled with Joy (joy joy)
Blue Blue Sky,
Not a Cloud in my Blue Blue Sky
Deep blue Sea,
Sailing on the Deep Blue Sea.
Happy make me, All those Things
And they fill my heart with Joy
Listen to it, how it sings
My heart is filled with Joy joy joy
Green Green Grass,
All That Grass, That Green Green Grass...
Happy Joy,
Happy Happy, Joy Joy Joy.
Happy make me, All those Things
And they fill my heart with Joy
Listen to it, how it sings
My heart is filled with Joy joy joy