Story Behind the Song
A song about telling it the way it is. This is my song, If you don't like it......
Simply thought it was funny to see one of my first cd's at the pawn shop for $2.50 .
Then thought I'd have some fun with it.
If you don't like it......Fuck You!
Do I have to sing my 100th song?
Before you'll ever want to sing along?
Do I have to scream until I bleed?
Before you'll ever be impressed with me?
I get so Deep into the music,
Sometimes I think it helps me breathe.
All I wanted was a little respect,
And maybe once,
Just once,
Tell me you were impressed.
Do I have to explain it to you?
This is my song if you don't like it, Fuck You!
If you don't like it, Fuck You!
Fuck your mother, Fuck your brother,
Fuck your daddy, Fuck your sister,
Fuck your aunt, Fuck your Uncle,
Fuck everyone of you.
You can all eat shit and die.
That's fuckin' right,
I'll tell you why.
I get so Deep into the music,
Sometimes I think it helps me breathe.
All I wanted was a little respect,
And maybe once,
Just once,
Tell me you were impressed.
Do I have to explain it to you?
This is my song if you don't like it, Fuck You!
If you don't like it, Fuck You!
I don't know how to say it anymore fuckin' direct than that.
Yeah, all the time I spent, Just to find out you fuckin' sellin'
my music to the local fuckin' pawn shop. You Bitch Mother Fuck!
It doesn't bother me none, You arrogant asshole cock-sucker.
Like the descendants said " I'm not a loser"
And will never be a loser, You can kiss my ass you Ass Rammin' Anal Drippin' Piece of Shit!
I'm better than you, and anything that you ever will be.
You got somethin' to say, say it to my face,
Just don't turn your back on me,
I'll shove this microphone up your fuckin' sorry ass.
This is my song.....If you don't like it.....Fuck you!......
Fuck you........Fuck you......Fuck you..............
You can kiss my ass, You can kiss my ass,
You can kiss my ass.