Do you understand the reason
That we have The American Legion?
Do you know why our flag's red, white, and blue?
When you go to church on Sunday,
Do you live like it on Monday?
Or, is it just another chore you have to do?
I love America, land of the free.
I love America, there's not a better place to be.
If you remember sons and daughters
That fought across the waters
To keep us free to live the way we do,
Then, you'll understand the reason
That we have The American Legion.
And, I'll tell you why our flag's red, white, and blue.
I love America, land of the free.
I love America, there's not a better place to be.
Our flag is red for the blood shed
To keep our country free.
Love of God's the reason our nation came to be.
Blue is for the valor of all the brave that died.
White signifies the sacrifice of those they left behind.
I love America, land of the free.
I love America, there's not a better place to be.