Story Behind the Song
This song is the result of frustration, the anger of a man who is no longer a man, but rather a rather female man. The result is so tight that we had to make it our #1 song for all the peeps on When you witness our explosively provocative and thickly cliched lyrics, you will know that we are at the cutting edge of rap.
This song is 95% Studio Magic(TM).
I have to give mad props out to the guys at Mr. Royce 2001. They do great work, and I believe the background song originated from them. Full credit to them. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that the song apperas on any of the websites belonging to "Mr Royce" websites I saw on, but if it is yours please come forwards so I can give you full credit.
Yo is this thing on?!
I'm a little angry,
I need to speak on this!
I hate everyone!
I ain't racist,
I ain't sexist,
I ain't even homophobe.
I just hate everybody period
'Cause this is what the world has thaught me!
The World has thaught me,
You DON'T get by, by being nice.
Nice people always get stepped on...
You get by, by being asshole!
You screw people,
you rape 'em
You take all they got,
That's how you get to the top!
And you know you want to be on the top
'Cause then nobody be steppin' on you.
You gotta step on everybody
'n make sure they're dead
'Cuz that way when you're on top
they don't come back to bite you in the ass
That's the way the real world works, BOY!
So now I gotta rap about it, warn the world,
Don't want no sadness spreading through the world
You pay attention!
This ain't no afterschool special
You know what I'm saying?
You solve all your problems by talking?!
Hellz no!!
You take out your 45,
You blow their ass away,
That's how you solve your problems on the street boy!
Let me tell you something
Okay Boys?
When you're out in teh rain,
begging for change,
you don't know what to do
what to say,
You come over...
I'm about Survival,
that's what I'm going to do!
I shot him with my friend, Mr. Lead
Now they're dead
That's the story of a bunch of
Rapin' Homos
Going around town,
Raping everybody
Not using Vaseline,
Not using protection,
That kind of shit
pisses me off, know what I'm saying, 'G??