Story Behind the Song
On Thursday, January 24, 2002, Laurette and I were on instant messenger, discussing the government's insane behavior. We talked about writing a song about it and she started throwing out ideas.
The one that stuck in my head was "Slash Gordon". So, later, I wrote one verse and a chorus around that title, recorded it and emailed the lyrics and the MP3 (about 30 seconds worth) to some friends.
Orlando picked up on the idea and he contributed most of the lyrics. The last two verses are by Laurette, the first verse is by me and the rest is Orlando's.
Maybe I'll get some musician friends together, including Orlando and Laurette, and do a more "full" version of the song, if time allows
Here come Slash and his knife is sharp
He likes to go right for the heart
Look out -- and stay close to home
Slash Gordon coming to flay you down to the bone
It don't matter if you're young or old
Dispossessed or layin out in the cold
Did you sign a contract? It's now on the shelf
You're better off dealin with the devil himself
Did he fool you, honey, did he whisper his lies
Then come from behind and cut you down to size?
Did he make you a deal, put cash in your hand
Promise you the world and tell you won't it be grand?
Now that he's got you, babe, what does he say
It's the poorest of the poor that will have to pay
What's my crime? I am poor and alone
I can't afford the bus, my daddy beats me at home
I'm sick, I'm old, I'm no good in school
I may be disabled but I ain't no fool
That's right, Gordon, go ahead and slash
We're only northern trailer trash
Go ahead and let small towns die
'cause you've got big corporate fish to fry
He opens his mouth, can you hear his lies
Watch who you tell, they may be spies
I didn't vote for him but I will surely pay
'cause I ain't corporate, I'm just in the way
Look out -- and stay close to home
Slash Gordon coming to flay you down to the bone
Slash Gordon going to flay you down to the bone
Slash Gordon gonna wants to flay you down to the bone
(if you let him)