its the little things in life that make me afraid,i sware to you my friend, i cant get laid
i'm like steve bushemi prancing in a sunday dress,not even my exgirlfriend of 3 years won't touch this mess
and even if she did,i'd still pop my lid, she'd leave me for some money making straight laced squid.
certified, pedigreed, to be the man she needs indeed
did all i could to be like you, got punk hair and dope tatoos,
drove my car into a pool...where are my cocaine and hookers?
thinking hard gives me a rash, grew out my teenage moustashe,
sware i'm gods gift to you all,where are my cocaine and hookers?
its the little things that make me want to live--i've given all i could of what i've got to give
but Steve Bushemi's ripped beause i pissed his skirt--and i'm always waking with my face in dirt
but even if i didn't, the dirt'd find me--or i'd wake up when you kicked me in the knee
to tell me that, you think you're fat,while knocking out my teeth with a baseball bat
did all i could to be like you, got punk hair and dope tatoos,
drove my car into a pool...where are my cocaine and hookers?
thinking hard gives me a rash, grew out my teenage moustashe,
sware i'm gods gift to you all,where are my cocaine and hookers?
i've got bob dylans good looks--and mariah's brains
where's my happy tomorrow,where's my cocaine?
did all i could to be like you, got punk hair and dope tatoos,
drove my car into a pool...where are my cocaine and hookers?
thinking hard gives me a rash, grew out my teenage moustashe,
sware i'm gods gift to you all,where are my cocaine and hookers?